Brian Woo-Shem

Mechanical engineer, tech wizard, cartoonist, writer, creator of things.

A mechanical engineer on a mission…


Build solutions that enable us to maintain a high quality of life for generations to come.

Researching methods to save energy using better control systems instead of replacing devices. Published 3 research papers.

Smart grid with a diverse neighborhood of homes


Engineering a future free of preventable diseases.

Designed & prototyped an active-cooled compartment to carry temperature sensitive vaccines and medications on a bicycle in developing regions, powered only by bike pedaling as my capstone project at Santa Clara University.


Teaching science & engineering to the next generation of innovators.

Miniature FIRST Tech Challenge robot showcasing simple & strategic design.

DIY Frugal Arduino CO₂ Sensor Monitor


Developing tools to help us understand the world around us & solve global challenges.

Co-developer of an affordable carbon dioxide sensor that offers better accuracy at less than half the cost of the leading commercial device, inspired by aerosol researchers measuring carbon dioxide to prevent coronavirus infection. Created educational curriculum at Santa Clara University.

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